Sunday, December 2, 2012

Thankful is the word...

Our little turkey, Noah enjoyed his first Thanksgiving with friends and family.  It seems so unreal that last Thanksgiving we were revealing the Baby Weida gender with the cake that Kristin made.  How fun was that? 
Although, our numbers were very low this year, (friends-we miss you on the mainland) we all gathered at Jaimi's place for tasty Thanksgiving dinner and were thankful to be in each others company.   Jerrod was quite proud of his smoked  turkey and  meatloaf which I'd have to admit was delectable.  YUMMY!  Below is a few pictures of our day.

 A few days ago, I was videoing Noah in his pack and play, giggling up a storm.  I didn't notice that he actually stood by himself for just a few seconds until after viewing it! What impeccable timing!
He amazes and keeps up on our toes, every say the least!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Home in October...

Jerrod, Noah, and I traveled home in October for a short trip to visit with ailing family.  During the time, we were home, Noah started crawling and pulling himself up... hasn't slowed down one bit.  He's VERY proud of himself always grinning when he looks around his shoulder to see if we saw his venture on the floor. 
Our stay was suppose to be from October 24th-October 29th, but Hurricane Superstorm Sandy extended it four more days due to the cancelled flights from JFK which meant we got to see more friends and family. :-)

Below are pictures of friends and family members that we got to spend time with on our stay.
                                                                      Aunt Brooke...
                                                          Poppy... (recovering from surgery)
                                                                         Uncle Neil...
                                                                   Grammy Sampson...
                                                                   Aunt Mary...
                                                                 Grandma Weida...

Aunt Amy...

                                                           Cousins Livi and Rylee...
                                                                  Grammy Ryerson...
                                                                     Aunt Kayte...
                                                                   Dinner at the Weida's...
                                                      Lilia (1 month younger than Noah)...
                                                                          Kai (2)...

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Hitching, Rolling, and being a Mozart in training...

Above is a video of Noah hitching, army crawling, and rolling over.  He amazes us everyday!

 Above is a video of Noah playing his piano.  In the past few days, he has advanced from using his feet when it's positioned down to using his hands when the piano is propped up.  Such fun toys they have for babies now! We have coined him Mozart in training.  :-)
Noah is 5 1/2 months old now with two teeth popping up on the bottom (look close in the picture below and they are peeping out) and eating oatmeal, sweet potatoes, green beans, bananas, and butternut squash.  I have been enjoying making his food with the food processor and freezing batches in ice cube trays and containers that I got with my Baby Bullet.  Jerrod was joking with me the other day that we might need another freezer if I keep making food at the rate I am now.  A baby food prepper! Hahaha... Over the next weeks, I'll be introducing poi, peas and apples to our chunky munchkin.  

 Smiling as always wearing his bib that Aunt Brooke got him...
 Eating sweet potatoes...

Thursday, September 6, 2012

A milestone is reached...

Noah loves playing on his piano... AND rolling now!

Growing Noah...

Our lovable baby boy is continuing to grow... Noah had his 4 month well baby visit this past Saturday.   He weighed in at 16.3 lbs. and 25 inches long.  We were joking with the Dr. when he mentioned that Noah is in the 90% of his height.  Jerrod said, " enjoy it while it lasts, son!"  He also got a shot so I was ready waiting with a bottle in hand to give him when he got poked.  To my surprise, he didn't even whimper a peep!  Jerrod said it was because he wanted to look tough in front of Daddy. Oh, Weida boys!  Below are pictures of our pudgy nugget at his 4th, 3rd, 2nd, and 1st month.

Jerrod thinks Noah looks like Doug alot in this picture.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Noah's first swimming experience...

While visiting in Pennsylvania, Noah had the chance to go swimming "baby style" with cousins Rylee and Olivia.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Noah meets new family and friends...

 While we were in Pennsylvania, I don't think Noah wasn't being held for less than a minute!  He got so much love and attention from all his aunties, uncles, grandparents, great-grandparents, cousins, and friends.  This first picture has Mimi holding Noah- her first great-grandson! She sang to him on the porch quite a few afternoons.

 Uncle Rick and Aunt Karen...
 Grammy Sampson...
 Auntie Val...
Great Aunt Sue...
 Aunt Rachel...
 Cousin Rylee...
 Uncle Dan...
 Great-Grammy Ryerson...
 Cousin Olivia...
 Great Aunt Mary...
 Great-grand Pop....
 Cousins Livi and Rylee...
 Cousin Seth...
 Great Aunt Carol...
 Auntie Kristen...
 Great Uncle Stumpy...
 Great Aunt Jeanie and Great Uncle Kevin...
 Auntie Melissa...
 Cousin Trey...
 Cousin Sarah...
 Auntie Lisa...
 Uncle Shelley...
 Great Uncle John and Great Aunt Renee...
 Auntie Jamie and best bud Mason who was born 3/21/2012...
 Great Aunt Susie
 Grandma Weida
Olivia, Rylee, and Bella...